Artilleriregementet (new)

(A 9)

Active 2000
Country Sweden
Type Artillery regiment
Motto Ultima ratio regum
(The last resort of kings)
Engagements Breitenfeld 1631, Lech 1632, Lützen 1632, Jankowitz 1645, Tåget över Bält 1658, Helsingborg 1710, Gadebusch 1712, Svensksund 1790

Artilleriregementet (A 9), formerly Bergslagens artilleriregemente (A 9), is the only artillery regiment in the Swedish Armed Forces. Its new organisation was laid down in 2000 in Kristinehamn and in 2005 was the regiment moved to Boden.

Artillery units used by the regiments is Haubits 77 B. A new system called Archer is in development and is planned to join the Swedish armed forces in 2011.